viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018


Hi Avi,

We're in Switzerland! We arrived today at 9 a.m. Have you ever been in Alpamare ! It's fantastic!
I have eaten a lot of ice-creams in the pool! Well, you can eat anything in the pool... Because the center of the Alpamare opens from 10:00 to 22:00 , I have swum 8 hours without stopping. It was fun! I have climbed on all the slides. Same of this were scary! After, I have stayed in a spa. It was be very relaxing!

The same day, in the morning, I went to the outdoor pool for relax my body after the trip. In midday,
 I ate and I went to the park. The food was delicious! In the afternoon I made sports in the GYM. Finally, at night, I swam long before they closed.

Really, I'm so sorry because I haven't bought a souvenir for you because I haven't found any store. It's very rare, no? Well, yes, I know you wanted a recording whit the assistants but I haven't recorded them because they didn't want any photo. You know I don't like trampolins, so I haven't jumped on them. I couldn't tell you how I¡m or what I'm doing because  I haven't had hte mobile phone.


Resultado de imagen de alpamare

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