lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020



Todd Phillips - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libreCREDITS

1. What is the title of the film? Joker
2. Who is the director? Todd Phillips
3. Who is the screenwriter? Scott Silver


4. Where does the action take place? Gotham City
5. When does the action take place? In the present
6. Which genre is the film? It's a drama film.                   (Todd Phillips, the director)   

7. Who are the main characters? The Joker/Arthur Fleck , Murray Franklin, Ted Marco, Penny Fleck, Hoyt Vaughn, Javier...
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

-The Joker : is a man of indefinite age. Quite tall, with his face pinched as if he was always laughing (which also has a facial deformity that makes him seem to always laugh). His hair is green and long, accompanied by a lot of jelly. The Joker is always dressed elegant, very colorful. It looks like a clown. He is a psychopath with a warped, sadistic sense of humor.
Te damos las noticias del cine y la TV - Los Angeles Times

-Penny Fleck :Physically, she has an older appearance, considering she is Arthur's mother. She is blonde and depends on a person, her son, to be able to wash, eat ... Because of that, she has a lot of emotional instability and sensitivity. She was a former employee of Wayne Enterprises.

Penny Fleck (Joker) | Batpedia | Fandom

Write 4 words from the film and...

Darckness , healing, moonlight and innocent.

9. Write a definition in English

-Darkness: state in which htere is little or no light.

-Healing: It becomes healthy again

-Moonlight: Light that comes from the moon.

-Innocent: Person that didn't do anything when someone is blaming him.

10. Translate them into Catalan

-Darkness: Foscor
-Healing: Curació
-Moonlight: Llum de la lluna
-Innocent: Inocent

11. Write one sentence with each word

"I do not live in darkness, darkness live in me"
"Haven't you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?"
"Have you ever dance with the devil in the pale monlight?"
"You killed the innocent in me"

Joker (2019) - Filmaffinity

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